Knitting a ranch house...
I admit to being someone who doesn't always find it easy to relax. If I sit down to watch tv for any length of time, I feel guilty, like I am wasting my time or that I could be doing something else at the same time. Hence the knitting. Problem is, I normally watch tv or dvds at night and hate watching tv with all the lights on, as I hate bright lights, especially at night (no, I am not a vampire, it gives me eye strain and sometimes migraines). Whilst I am a highly evolved human being, I do need some light to see my knitting and negotiations with my husband to swap the lights or put on a lamp instead can end in tears.
If I do manage to get my way, or suffer the lights, I am usually then too engrossed in what I am watching to properly concentrate on my knitting and a 2 hr movie, which should be a fantastic knitting opportunity, yields a couple of rows at best! And forget trying to knit whilst watching foreign, sub-titled movies! I tried this again recently and literally did almost knit a ranch house (and if you don't know what this means, despite the pic, get thee to a video store, rent "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and then come back to my blog when you have a bit more culture.) I found myself trying to knit into the same stitch more than once (it was a garter stitch scarf) and stopping mid row or mid stitch to read the sub-titles far too often!
Funny thing is my sister, green olive, doesn't seem to share this fate! She is perhaps the most prolific knitter I know, and seems to be able to knit anywhere. I think she must knit in her sleep! I'm sure she dreams of wool! I must ask her secret - perhaps she just listens to the dialogue or maybe she can knit without looking, a bit like touch typing which I can't do either! I have a taped tv show to watch tonight, so am going to give it another go, as I have a scarf for my mother-in-law to finish. It has to be posted overseas for Christmas so no excuses! It is made from a lovely purple, hand-dyed wool, so will post photos and tell you all about it next time...
PS: Photo taken of one of a set of "Breakfast at Tiffany's" lobby cards I bought in 1992 for $200, which back then was a lot of money.
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