Apparently the lovely Stephanie from "Spices for Violet" has just tagged me.
I have heard of this blogging phenomenon and read responses to said taggings; I even remember greenolive getting in a flap about it when she was first tagged. This is now my first "tagging" and I actually feel a little dazed and exposed. Whilst I was not entirely enjoying my blog's anonymity (the joys of writing for an audience of one do start to wear thin), the recent spike in my stats thanks to lovely comments and links from raspberry and others, and now this tagging business, means the pressure is on!
Try to write things which are honest and insightful but not too revealing. Try to be funny but not sound forced. Try to sound smart but not like a smart-arse.
OK - my seven tantalizing and titillatingly true facts (too much already?!):
- I suffer from migraines which is one of the reasons I haven't posted much lately, as I have had one for about a week...
- I love the colours orange, red and brown and have several plastic crates full of orange, red, brown and rusty-coloured wool and fabric. Yet I still buy more.
- I love a bit of leopard print and have an amazing leopard print trench coat that I have said I will be buried in.
- I used to be a champion Debater. And yes, I still like a good argument and often consult my dictionary (but now online).
- I love red lipstick and have about 30 tubes (all different types). I once bought 6 of the same one - my all time favourite red, which will have to be the subject of its own post - as it has now been discontinued. I figured I would then have enough.
- I have a bit of an achilles heel for Easter Bunnies (the chocolate ones, not real live ones). Red Tulip Elegant Rabbits to be exact. Which is kinda bizarre in itself, as usually I prefer better quality stuff like Lindt or Haighs, not compound rubbish. I secretly dread and yet look forward to this time of year, as I know I will consume far too many of them. My tally so far, 2 and counting (well they have been in the shops for at least a few weeks now...) I blame my father, a fellow bunny lover, for this addiction.
- My husband and I are addicted to the tv show, "The West Wing" and are currently working our way through the complete 7 season DVD box set, which a very good friend of ours generously gave him for his birthday.
That's it! I could go on but you would probably politely ask me to stop.
The hardest part was actually thinking of and finding 7 people to now in turn, tag. Here is my newly tagged list:
- the funky felter
- Jody at meringue
- raspberry
- fioleta
- Robyn at Craft with Me
- Anna Laura
- Pip at Meet Me at Mikes
And the rules (as far as I understand them):
- Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
- Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
- Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
- Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Now go forth and tag!
So sorry, I forgot to actually TAG you!! So I left you in the dark, yet you picked up the baton seamlessly, well done!
Lucky you actually read the blog... hmm, I must check I tagged others!!
Interesting to read your 7 things too. Have a lovely Sunday! :)
Posted by: Stephanie | February 10, 2008 at 11:51 AM
PS: All that stressing!! Goodness me!
Posted by: Stephanie | February 10, 2008 at 11:59 AM
Oh yes, I should have also said that stress and over-analysis is one of my favourite hobbits! Only kidding. A bit. As a former lawyer and Virgoan, my predisposition for worrying and strategising was inevitable I'm afraid. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Posted by: Aunty Shabby | February 10, 2008 at 07:26 PM
I did not get in a flap!
Posted by: greenolive | February 12, 2008 at 08:23 AM
Well, a little bit of a flap G! You were very excited!
Posted by: Aunty Shabby | February 12, 2008 at 02:48 PM
Finally done :-)
Posted by: Fioleta | February 15, 2008 at 08:54 AM
Hi Shabby
I used to get migraines - but once I had taken out all the liquid commercial cleaners around the house I don't have any more (YAY!) - sometimes they contain formalin (very bad!) - including fabric conditioner, washing up liquid, liquid washing detergent, window cleaners, everything. Grab some stuff from Mountain Ash at Mt D when you visit GreenOlive.
Posted by: Paula | February 21, 2008 at 06:43 PM
Perhaps then it is a legitimate excuse for not doing any housework??!! Alas, I wish it was that easy, but my migraines and headaches are hereditary and also hormonal, and at times stress-related. I also have a semi-dodgy spine and get a lot of neck and muscular pain (hence previous reference to my chiropractor). God - I sound like an old crock.
Worth a try though - thanks Paula!
Posted by: Aunty Shabby | February 22, 2008 at 10:11 AM